Monday 16 December 2013

Workshop Roundup

During the weekend I have been continuing work on the Telecaster neck including adding fret markers to the side of the neck and paining a thin black over the join between the fret board and the back of the neck.  I did it the wrong way round though and added the pinstripe first so i have to repaint this once i had installed the fret markers.

I also started laying out the positions of the bridge and pickups etc on the Telecaster body.  It will feature a P90 pickup at the neck and a standard single coil pup at the bridge housed in a traditional 'ash tray' bridge.

I also have a couple of other ongoing projects which I managed to make a little progress with this weekend.  I have been working on a Stratocaster style kit for some time now and have attempted to repaint it a couple of times now and never been happy with the results and most recently the colour!  I want a RED Strat!

The previous colour was too dark (Heritage Red) and was more appropriate on a Gibson SG than on a Strat.

So I sanded back the finish a little to allow the bright red to adhere and sprayed 3 coats from an aerosol can. I will let this set hard and then lacquer over the top.  This is much more like what I was after.

i have also been working on re-finishing an Encore Bass guitar I have owned for years.  It was originally back and I liked that but I wanted to give it something extra so I decided to paint ivory racing stripes on it.  I masked the body and it only took two coats of paint to give a nice even finish.

I always love the reveal when I peeled back the masking tape.  The lines are very sharp and the contrast is great.

Once again I will let this set hard for a week or so before applying lacquer over the top.  And I will need to apply enough so I don't start cutting into the ivory paint when I wet sand before polishing as the Ivory stands slightly proud of the black background.

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